Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Damsel in Distress

Nothing is more revitalizing than a nice hangout with friends after an arduous day in office. KN has always been a fabulous place to chill out but today it was incredible with weather being astounding thanks to a copious rainfall; courtesy of which the boys got a nice opportunity to ogle at girls.

And when you get a movie like 'Inception' to watch, you ought to ask someone to pinch you. When you have a cast like this-i mean Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Lewitt, Michael Caine, or Marion Cotillard, the movie just keeps going flawlessly.

Christopher Nolan keeps improving himself, with even more complex and multilayer script like this.And i thought Memento was hard to reach by most of the viewers, but no. Inception will keep you mesmerized and captivated by the genius, that's hidden behind it. And not just directors and screenwriters (or with other words-Nolan), but with acting and sound-and effects and editing as well.

Gosh! I just can't stop praising the movie. But I would say before your life ends, do yourself a favor by experiencing this exceptionally lucid classic created by Nolan!

Well, it had been a stupendous day so far. All credits to Steve for providing us second-half off today. What to do next now?

"Lets go for go-karting", suggested Naren. "Yeah and then dinner at chaupati", added Samir.

Those who dont know, Chaupati is a hillside garden restaurant providing an awesomeview of Pune-Mumbai highway.

"Yeah and then a long drive. Lets have a night out", said Kabir. "Seems like a nice plan. What u say Sonika?", Rahul returned from the loo.

"What a great ass!!!" said Sonika uninformed of all the discussions and plannings going on. "What!!!" shouted Shikha and Naren. "What? What happened?" inquired Sonika.

"What happened!!! What Happened!!!! You giving such coarse comments about the ass of a boy and asking what happened. M surprised, infact I am flabbergasted. Its so mortifying." replied Naren.

"Whats so surprising and what you said mortifying about this. You guys can say anything about girls and we cant" argues Sonika.

"But it doesn't suit us. We are girls.", interrupted Shikha.

"So what. These boys always see us like sex objects and if we say anything, they start this boy - girl, manners and all rubbish. If they can say such things about us, we also can. On one hand they say that boys and girls are equal. We are against sex discrimination but from inside they all are male chauvinist pigs".

Well, she called us pigs on our face but still we didn't have any nerves to bounce back on her. Coz all of us knew that if not all but most of what she said was absolutely correct.

The world present the women as sex objects, as if a woman's prowess can only be expressed when she poses nude. Even studies proves that Men are more likely to view women like that.

Researchers used brain scans to show that when straight men looked at pictures of women in bikinis, areas of the brain that normally light up in anticipation of using tools, like spanners and screwdrivers, were activated.

And that was what Sonika said. At that moment, I realized how tough is for a woman to survive in this world. We often say that man and woman are equal but from inside every male believes that men are superior than their counterpart.

All this is very sadistic but true.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


"Looking back, I realized that a very special person passed briefly through my life, and that person was me. It is not too late to become that person again."

I don't know who wrote this. I found the quote on a blog. But when I looked deep into myself, I felt like this quote belongs to me only.

Everyone has one or more regrets in his/her life. Making mistakes is the one and only common characteristic found in each and every human being as we generally say 'Its the human nature to make mistakes'. What else is in human nature is to regret about the mistakes made.

We make mistakes and realize them later by one or other means. Sometimes, we don't realize at all. But when we realize the mistake made by us, a regret is born. Some of us make efforts to correct our mistakes, some of us don't. Some of us get success, some of us don't. But what most of us do is we give a lot of thoughts to the regrets but hardly make any effort. I am also one of those who think a lot but do nothing.

I do have a long list of regrets but what I regret the most is that I've lost my innocence as well as humbleness over the time. There was a time when I was known for my innocence. People use to call me a 'sahu' (very innocent) guy. But now I am known for my cunning nature.

Many a times sitting alone in my room, I thought deeply about this and many a times I promised myself, I pledged to change myself, to be the same 'sahu' guy again. But I never tried. It may be the world I am living in doesn't allow me to try or may be my will is not strong enough.

But whatever it is, the fact is that I still regret for the same thing and think about it over and over.

And this is also the fact that all of you have one or more regrets in your life. I don't know how many of you ever made an attempt to correct the mistakes made but I would like you to comment here so that those who never tried like me can be motivated.