Sunday, January 16, 2011


"Looking back, I realized that a very special person passed briefly through my life, and that person was me. It is not too late to become that person again."

I don't know who wrote this. I found the quote on a blog. But when I looked deep into myself, I felt like this quote belongs to me only.

Everyone has one or more regrets in his/her life. Making mistakes is the one and only common characteristic found in each and every human being as we generally say 'Its the human nature to make mistakes'. What else is in human nature is to regret about the mistakes made.

We make mistakes and realize them later by one or other means. Sometimes, we don't realize at all. But when we realize the mistake made by us, a regret is born. Some of us make efforts to correct our mistakes, some of us don't. Some of us get success, some of us don't. But what most of us do is we give a lot of thoughts to the regrets but hardly make any effort. I am also one of those who think a lot but do nothing.

I do have a long list of regrets but what I regret the most is that I've lost my innocence as well as humbleness over the time. There was a time when I was known for my innocence. People use to call me a 'sahu' (very innocent) guy. But now I am known for my cunning nature.

Many a times sitting alone in my room, I thought deeply about this and many a times I promised myself, I pledged to change myself, to be the same 'sahu' guy again. But I never tried. It may be the world I am living in doesn't allow me to try or may be my will is not strong enough.

But whatever it is, the fact is that I still regret for the same thing and think about it over and over.

And this is also the fact that all of you have one or more regrets in your life. I don't know how many of you ever made an attempt to correct the mistakes made but I would like you to comment here so that those who never tried like me can be motivated.


  1. A person's nature is not solely dependent on his whims. There are umpteen factors that play a role; a dominant one is the environment you are in and the people you share it with. The reason you changed from who you were to who you are is because the society demanded it. And to change yourself you need to change that first. You cannot always be what you want to be. But you must always try.

  2. @Appy ... very well said but i don't fully agree with you; the environment does affect you but if you are strong enough, nothing can change you. After all its not the environment that makes humans but its the humans who make the environment...

  3. absolutely sachin..itz only the person himself responsible for where he stands today..its you who need to make right choice at the right time..still u huv time to get..u jst need new surrounding new environment and new ppl to stay with so that u culd start all ovr again..

  4. can't agree more .... but i don't wanna change my surroundings but me and me alone .... datz d main problem....
